Anthem OT/NT @ Living Water

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Why Do I Teach?

My first reaction is, "because I love it!" But to go a little deeper, here's a few reasons why I love to teach:
(1) I have a voracious curiosity and I learn a ton of stuff from my students while I teach.
(2) I have a profound and enduring sense that teaching the Bible and its principles is a strategic activity at this time in history.
(3) My sense of purpose in teaching, and my sense of giftedness for it, combines to make me feel God's pleasure when I teach.

I wish you the gift has given me: the privilege of spending your life doing what you love!


  • How is it that we have the BEST teachers in the world in Master's Commission?! It's a mystery. Actually it's an answer to prayer! Thank you, Pastor Rod, for your excellent ministry...both inside and outside of the classroom.

    By Blogger Tim Mossholder, at 9:05 PM  

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